Jan Herzmann

Do you need advice? Do you need to know? We can help you in many respects.

We have got a lot of experience in marketing and marketing communication. We are familiar with political marketing and clever crisis communication. We are acquainted with re-structuring, process optimization as well as sales activities setting. Try us out. You will be happy to come back.

Jan Herzmann

Maurer´s Selection

Like in previous years, we participated in the preparation of the Maurer´s Selection Grand Restaurant. What makes participation in this project especially pleasant? Visits of the excellent restaurants, sometimes even with Mr. Pavel Maurer in person.

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Publishing and media presence

Due to acknowledged expertise in the field of political analysis, Jan Herzmann is quite often invited to comment on the political issues in the Czech Republic. The most important recent comments were published in a book of essays Proč? (Zeď publishing, 2018) and a profiling interview with Jan Herzmann is available at http://www.rozhlas.cz/plus/osobnostplus/_zprava/delnicka-strana-spd-i-usvit-maji-v-nasi-agenture-dvere-zavrene-rika-sociolog-jan-herzmann–1794392

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Presidential election 2018

As a part of the Czech voter project, our company provided a comprehensive study dealing with the Czech presidential election 2018. The study maps preparations for the election, topics important for the electorate, positioning of individuals who were considered to become candidates, preferences of the real candidates, the election campaign, outcome of the election as […]

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Auditing Maurer´s selection

Herzmann company traditionally provides the audit of evaluation methods of the Maurer´s selection GRAND RESTAURANT (www.grand-restaurant.cz). On the last day of November, during the gala ceremony of Maurer´s selection TOP 10, we handed over the prize to the Radison Blue La Rotonde restaurant team.

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Timing of the Czech voter studies

Regarding the parliamentary elections planned for October 20 to 21, we modify the timing of the Czech voter studies. The analysis covering September will be published on Sunday, October 1. Quarterly summary covering July to September will be prepared for Friday, October 6. On Monday, October 16 we will publish a special brief issue analyzing […]

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We support mobile marketing

Herzmann s.r.o. company increases the scope of activities supporting mobile marketing. We successfully participated in a complex survey of user habits and preferences in this area, the project sponsor prepares a press release as well as public reports for September and October.

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Attitudes of financial experts

During the Forecasting Dinner 2017, we presented results of a survey on attitudes of financial experts conducted in close cooperation with Donath Business & Media. The key results showed that the experts are not able to forecast either the date of the end of the CNB intervention against the crown, nor the short-term reaction of […]

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Advertisement perception

In the past, the Herzmann team helped to develop the project Czechs and the advertisement, organized by the Czech Marketing Association. In 2017, the results of this project showed declining numbers of people who show positive perception of the advertisement. The percentage of those who say they do not need any advertisement or literary hate […]

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HappyFeed project support

The consulting support of the mobile communication project HappyFeed goes on. In 2016, we spent a lot of time assisting the development of analytical tools integrated in the HappyFeed system, present activities are much more networking oriented. HappyFeed starts be used by more demanding clients and communities and we are proud to facilitate this process.

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Modified timetable of the Czech Voter

So that our clients can use the September issue of the Czech Voter for the final regional and Senate election campaign, this study will be distributed already on September 28 in the evening. For technical reasons, the October issue will be slightly delayed. We expect the distribution on November 3. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Supported NGOs

Česká transplantační nadace Karla Pavlíka


VPT Lipno