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Jan Herzmann
Presentation on political PR
In a PR klub seminar, Jan Herzmann gave a key-note lecture on opinion polling implementation in political PR. More information is available at www.prklub.cz . Průzkumy v politickém PR
Continue reading→Survey: opinion of economists and financial experts
Majority of the interviewed experts feel that the CNB did not support economic growth when it intervened against the koruna in 2013. They are highly critical when assessing the ability of the government to implement anti-corruption measures. The government was also criticized as to the new VAT setting which is, in the opinion of the […]
Continue reading→Results of a gardening study
At the Annual Meeting of the Association for establishing and maintenance of greenery, held on February 5, Jan Herzmann published results of a detailed study on perspectives of this industry and further activities of the Association. This is the first study dealing with this interesting and perspective area which will remain one of the focuses […]
Continue reading→Czech voter 2015
By the January issue, The Czech voter study opens the third year of its publishing. In addition to the usual comparative analysis of election models of different polling agencies, the January issue extensively describes results of polls dealing with attitudes toward Islamism and security situation. The February issue will deal with results on the pension […]
Continue reading→Herzmann s.r.o. assisted marekt entry of VIGO Group
After nearly a full year of preparations, VIGO Group finalized its first major acquisition in the insurance segment and entered the Czech market as an important private investor. From a Slovenian insurance group Triglav, VIGO has bought 100 % of shares in its Czech branch Triglav pojišťovna a.s. Preparation for this transaction and its communication […]
Continue reading→Czechs want strict control of the alcohol market
The public blames mainly state bodies, both the politicians and supervisory bodies, for the vast alcohol black market. The strengthening of regulation adopted during the last year enjoys the support of 96,3 % of the Czechs and only 1,7 % would vote for a party proposing softening the current alcohol regulation laws. The survey identified […]
Continue reading→A small step towards fine dining
Herzmann s.r.o. became the official methodology auditor of the best-known publication on fine dining in the Czech Republic – Maurer´s Grand restaurant Guide. Our main task is to guarantee that the ways of choice of the valuators as well as calculation of the specific ratings are strictly obeyed and no manipulation or bias of the […]
Continue reading→One quarter of votes in Prague for local lists?
A substantial part of citizens of the Czech capital considers the option to support different local lists of candidates in the local election planned for October 10 to 11. This opinion is shared by every ninth Prague citizen, nearly one quarter of likely voters. Hence, in the Prague City council there could be up to […]
Continue reading→Jan Herzmann předsedou českého UNICEF
Dlouhodobá podpora, kterou naše společnost věnuje programům UNICEF, našla poněkud překvapivé vyústění. Jan Herzmann, Managing Partner společnosti Herzmann s.r.o. byl po devíti letech působení v různých orgánech této celosvětové organizace zvolen předsedou Českého výboru pro UNICEF. Jan Herzmann k tomu řekl: „Pomáhat dětem v těch nejchudších regionech zeměkoule by mělo být morálním závazkem pro nás, obyvatele bohatých částí […]
Continue reading→TOP 09 could win the local election in Prague
Analysis of historical election results shows that the local election in Prague TOP 09 could win the local election in Prague even without the Mayors movement. Coalition of Mayors, Greens and Christian democrats could score second best, ANO 2011 would rank third in such a case. TZ 140612 – Pražské volby
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