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We have got a lot of experience in marketing and marketing communication. We are familiar with political marketing and clever crisis communication. We are acquainted with re-structuring, process optimization as well as sales activities setting. Try us out. You will be happy to come back.
Jan Herzmann
Comments on party preferences
In an interview with Josef Pravec I explain why ANO 2011 movement dominates the party preferences, what present polls say (and do not say) about future election results and why it is so difficult to forecast. Who wants to know my expectations of the future government coalition can find it in this Ekonom weekly interview, […]
Continue reading→Quicksand of political preferences
At the end of 2024, Czech population faces a new wave of bad mood and is hesitant about who to vote for next year. The turnout in the national election will probably be lower than in 2021 and one third of those who usually vote is not sure about their preferences. The scene reminds of […]
Continue reading→EP Election Poll
As a part of the Czech Voter project, we published results of a poll aiming at the EP election. In According to our model, the winner would be ANO 2011 movement followed by the coalition Spolu. Three entities would fight for the third place, namely the coalition of SPD and Trikolóra, Pirates and STAN (Mayors). […]
Continue reading→A new podcast
Would you like to see a quiet debate about politics and polling? Watch my discussion with Oto Klempíř in his K.O. podcast – you can find it here Sociolog Herzmann: Kalousek ve sněmovně by byl skvělý terč pro Babiše (youtube.com)
Continue reading→Czech Voter – 10 years
The June study crowns the tenth year of the Czech Voter project started in July 2013. For our clients from political, business and media spheres we prepared 120 regular monthly studies, nearly 40 quarterly summaries and many special papers dealing with different types of elections as well as exceptional phenomena such as Covid-19 pandemic or […]
Continue reading→Interview for Lidové noviny
In an interview for Lidové noviny a lidovky.cz I talked about relation of the Czech public and the Czech government and about the the general political opinin in the country – see Vláda vytvořila očekávání, pak ale přišlo zklamání, míní sociolog Herzmann. Co mají společné Macron a Fiala? | Domov | Lidovky.cz
Continue reading→30 years of the Factum brand
Sharp 30 years ago, the first form of polling agency Factum was founded. Since that time and under changing brand names, this agency participates in the development of market and opinion research in our country. Nowadays, it is well known as ppm factum research, one of the branches of ppm factum group formed in 2009. […]
Continue reading→Presentation to business community
Recently, there are more and more private enterprises interested in the Czech Voter analyses. To promote our project to business community, Jan Herzmann presented our company to members and guest of the Aquapalace VIP Club headed by Pavel Sehnal.
Continue reading→Czechs and Advertising
In the past, it was my honor to participate in Jitka Vysekalova´s project Czechs and Advertising. As to mee, I am dealing with completely different topics, but the project goes on in cooperation with the research agency ppm factum research. Those interested are invited to learn more at Češi a reklama – výsledky výzkumu 2022 […]
Continue reading→Trend model for the Parliamentary Election
In the beginning of 2021, we doubted about our ability to provide any trend analysis for the parliamentary election 2021. A huge number of available polls made it possible to prepare a trend election model, even it is not based on comparisons with previous election results. According to our latest analysis, five subjects tend to […]
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